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Poetry through the Seasons of Life

Do not try to question why for that no answers will bring
But rather celebrate the love and joy for a moment that (s)he did bring,
Those moments precious as in your hands (s)he sweetly lay,
Each amazing second of those few special days.

Yours to hug, yours to hold, yours to caress and love
As each of us is held and cherished by our heavenly Father above,
Moments so few but felt by him/her to the core,
Your hand of love to lead the way through to Heaven’s door.

But while He holds him/her He also holds you in His gentle arms
Where you can scream and shout until His strokes bring calm,
For He alone is the one who knows the reason why
But asks you to trust Him and to bring your heartfelt cry.

So bring all you are and all you feel where He and the angels see,
And be as open and honest as you can truly be,
For only when the truth is known can a helping hand be given
And grief, anger and frustration from your life be driven.

Do not give up on life or on hope,
You have the strength within and without to go on and cope,
Just be patient and celebrate those moments that you had
To be (name)’s earthly mum and dad.