A moment in time has come when your absence is felt within
As each one of us senses the silence and tries to take it in.
No more memories to make but lots of them to keep
As for the last time you laid down your head and gently went to sleep.
No more wonderful and loving stories from your past to listen to
As now there is only emptiness in the place where we sat with you.
No more running up and down hills holding our lovely Nan’s hand
As on the hills of the heavenly city you’ve now been called to stand.
No more stunning tea tables full of homemade trifle, biscuits and cakes
As God for you instead a magnificent welcome feast does make.
No more cries of pain, or tears of loneliness, will you cry
As the dove of peace to your soul now quickly draws nigh.
No more love to give to you or from you to receive
As from this earthly realm you quietly take your leave.
But each of us is grateful for your company and grace
And each in our heart will keep for you a very special place.
For now our paths are separated by the absence of earthly breath
Until we get our summons to pass through the gate called death.
Go with our blessing and find the peace you’ve so longed for
As God welcomes you warmly through Heaven’s open door.
Be glad to be with those you’ve missed while you’ve served your time on earth
As together you now celebrate being home with laughter, joy and mirth.
So take your well earned rest and receive healing from all your pain
And take with you our love until we meet once again.