She who gave you life has now given up her own
And walked on ahead to her heavenly home,
She completed the path for her life that by God had been set
And found all her goals successfully met.
She gave while she could to the lives of those she loved
And would have given more if she had not been called above,
For you were her life and the reason she carried on
Through trials and tribulations you made her strong.
Remember her eyes and the love they showed to you
For her heart was full of pride in all that you do
Through her difficulties she might not have found the words to say
How much her heart was filled with love for you every day.
You in return gave generously and sacrifice did make,
But God will honour all the steps that you humbly did take
To make her life as comfortable as you possibly could,
Being the loving daughter in all the ways you thought you should.
Your memories are with you to remind you of her love so deep
To ensure that within your heart her spirit you do keep
For in her arms you knew what comfort was and could face another day
Well now she does the same for you but through another way.
She is with you forever, her love has not disappeared,
She is still helping you overcome everything you might have feared,
She is that voice inside yourself that is like a guiding star
Constantly loving you for the person that you are.
She will always be there for you in the depths of your soul
Guiding and loving you through every single goal,
For she has not gone, her spirit is with you still,
Loving you as only a mother will.