To my friend in this your darkest of days
When there is very little of comfort any can say
Just a thought, you are not alone in the deep of the night
When fear and despair hide any glimmer of light.
For God sees your heart and its every need
And shares in the sorrow that causes it to bleed.
Your brother, his purpose on earth has now done
Even if for you too early it seems to have come.
Ours is not to question the Father’s eternal and perfect will
But to accept He knows the exact time and to let our hearts be still.
So do not be despondent and never give up hope
For God will give you the strength to go on and the ability to cope.
My friend you are not alone as alongside God I am here too
To be a watching eye, a steady hand and a listening ear for you.
For I am here to hold up for you in the darkness a candle of light
So that you may find your way with God and put your grief to flight.
Nothing is too much for me to do at this time for my friend
For I’ll always be here for you and to you my love I send.