We have seen much of life and so pray this blessing over you
As you start out on your pathway both bright and new.
We pray for health to help you grow throughout your life, well and strong
So that you may live happily and enjoy a lifetime that is blessed and long.
We pray for wisdom to protect the decisions of your parents on your behalf
And to direct you when making your own so you stay true to your path.
For not all your decisions will be right or give your conscience rest
But we pray you can hold your head up high and say I always did my best.
We pray for friends and family to walk with you on your path wherever it may go
And that companionship rather than loneliness is what you will always know.
We pray for courage to walk the pathway that is set for your feet alone
Whether a child under your parents' wings or when from the nest you have flown.
We pray for joy and fun to accompany the steps you make
That peace and contentment will follow all the actions that you take.
That you will find fulfilment through all the doorways you find opening
And the power to overcome and so pass safely through everything.
But above all else we pray for love to stay with you every moment of your days
To ensure you know you are of value and precious in every way.
And so we promise you the love of our hearts to stand with you as long as we live
And we will do our best to protect you with all we are and all we can give.